Sunday, January 17, 2010

Better Late Then Never!!

OK ~ Yes, I am waaaaay behing on blogging, but at least I am getting to it ~ right??? So, our Christmas started off early this year with a fun-filled trip from Uncle Chip & Aunt Audrey. We strolled the Village, ate at the YT, had Wii competitions, made yummy meals together, watched "concerts" on the fireplace, and even bowled with the kids for the first time. The kiddos soaked up EVERY single minute with them they could and were left literally in tears the morning they left. Thanks Chip & Audzz for always making such leaps and bounds to get here and spend time with us ~ we love ya and miss ya like crazy!!

Our next Christmas event was with the wild Austin clan on Christmas Eve. What an answer to all of our prayers that Heather was feeling fabulous, so she could enjoy every moment with the family! I think the best part of being all together is hearing the noise that penetrates through the whole house with kiddos galore. I love sitting back and watching their imaginations at work and their love for one another shine through. Thanks too to Morgan, Logan & Kayla for getting down to the younger cousin's level and making it always crazy fun for them ~ we love you guys!

And last, but never least was our DuRoss Christmas at home just the five of us! I love saying that ~ the five of us!! Poor Mercy, we love ya sweetie, but since you are too young to realize whether "Santa" came or not ~ he didn't for you this year!!! I love setting traditions with the kids and this year we decided to let them open one present each on Christmas Eve, which was new pj's to wear for the morning. They actually did a great job sleeping in before coming to our room to start the festivities. There really is such joy in giving and watching their bright eyes and open mouths as they get just what they were wanting. I am thankful they realize it is more than just presents and are really beginning to understand the true meaning of Christmas. I love my family and treasure all these moments with them.



Audzzz said...

Always a joy for us too! Fun to see pics from your other holiday celebrations. And, I couldn't agree more, better late than never. We love to see pics of y'all as often as possible, but know you are busy, so thanks for sharing!

Morgan said...

Love the collages.... i need those pics from my bday!! if you could email them that'd be great!