Sunday, March 9, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Derek took this shot of our back deck

Even though we started out the week with 60 degree weather ~ we finished it with a true Ohio bang (BLIZZARD CONDITIONS)! It was a wild week in the DuRoss household, we lost power on Wednesday for 24 hours due to an ice storm (thanks Grandma/Grandpa Austin for letting us and the Petrie's take over your home). Then we lost power again for the evening last night due to our huge snow storm. Good times, good times! Actually ~ I forgot how peaceful a home can be just lit by candlelight. We had many fun rounds of "I Spy" with Selah ~ her favorite!

Yesterday we just enjoyed being safe inside and watching the snow keep on a comin' ~ but have no fear, the kids still had their fun. We pulled out the tunnel and they went crazy in it (even Noel joined in the fun)!

But, we couldn't let our (hopefully) last big storm go by with out reaping the benefits of what it brought our way. So, today we headed to NeNe Heather & Uncle David's house for some sled rides on the 4-wheelers. I love that when you get on a 4-wheeler, your youthful heart just comes screaming out!!! Thanks for all the laughs my sweet Morgan, Logan & Kayla (and NeNe & Uncle David too)!

Hope pulling Morgan & Selah

Logan & Kayla

Morgan & Selah
Dave getting ready to throw Derek off!

Selah watching the snow ball fights from a safe distance!


Audzzz said...

The 4-wheeler looks fun! I want one of those things to pull me up the hill on skis. Love the pic of you and D. Thanks for sharing. :)