Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Grins 'n' Giggles

To keep you updated on our kiddos ~ here is a recap of the past week or so. Selah is beside herself on Monday's, because that is her "school-day". It seems forever ago she was shedding tears over my parting ~ now I am begging for one kiss before she runs off to be with her friends! Her imagination literally blows us away everyday. This picture below is of a picnic she made for her and I on our kitchen floor ~ thankfully she remembered the ice cream! Her other BIG thing in the last week (besides pooping on the potty!), is that she thinks any fireplace is her stage! She starts off by announcing that the "show is about to begin everyone" and ends with many bows and curtsy's! We will try to take a video this weekend to let you all in on the action ~ she is quite the actress!

Selah w/her Valentine's Day gift from daddy (a doggy she named "Jazzy" in memory of the sweetest dog ever!)

Our little man is now 9 1/2 months old and just had his check-up today. He weighed in at only 16 1/2 lbs. The doctor said it's normal for them to stay slim and trim when they are sooooo mobile! His latest big news is that he started waving and saying "ba-ba" (a.k.a. bye-bye) this past week! NeNe Heather was leaving our house and as she closed the door he did it ~ we could hardly believe it, but after our excitement, he has been doing it non-stop! And, his top two teeth are working their way on down!

As for Derek and I ~ we have become inspired by those Western Clan DuRoss's that are taking on race after race!!!! So, we enlisted the help of an amazing trainer (Mom DuRoss) and are planning on running the 5K Blossom Race over Memorial Day. Any and all tips would help! While it may seem like a small race, it's our first ever ~ so we're pretty pumped. More details to come!


CD said...

My heart just skipped a beat, I am so excited! The Blossomtime run was one of my frist and has always been one of my favorites- you guys will love it and will do great! We must talk on the phone more about this one. I can't believe how grown up Selah and Judah are looking and acting. We need to see them...soon!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics!!! How cute they are sooooo big!!!