Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Fever!

Seriously ~ it has been WAY to long since I blogged last. So, I thought I would recap the past month or two and catch everyone up on our lives! Selah turned 4!!!! I know everyone says the same thing, but truly "where has the time gone". She is practically a grown-up already! Her days mostly consist of preschool (obsession with everything about Miss Ellen ~ her teacher), reading, and telling us either stories or singing us a song through0ut the day. Literally ~ she even sings most of her prayers!!! The funny thing is the other day she was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the car and everytime, right before she would say "Star" ~ Judah shocked me and he said it for her!! Really sweet and amazing, because he ISN'T an "on-demand" talker ~ I mean, the boy knows many words, but if you ask him to say it, you can forget him doing it (hmmmmm, where would that stubborn streak come from???? ~ ok, yes, it is the Austin blood in him!!!).
As for Judah ~ besides the fact that he is holding out on us with his chatting, he actually can be quite the talker, just on his terms! His latest saying is "night-night" ~ and he giggles tremendously over this one, not sure why! Besides the cranky spout here or there with teething ~ he is just such a happy little guy. He LOVES trying on shoes, boots, heels ~ whatever he can get his little hands on. We just bought him his first pair of crocks and he was beside himself! Mostly ~ he just loves imitating his big sister, Derek got the best video last week and if I can figure out how to post it, I will.
My favorite thing about the two of them is their love for one another. Don't get me wrong ~ there are times it can be a love/hate relationship ~ but there is something so amazing about watching how they're growing in their bond to each other. Judah would follow Selah to the moon and back if he could ~ and nothing makes me want to cry more than sitting back and thanking God for the both of them.
As for me ~ I am now 10 weeks pregnant and still a bit in awe that we're going down this road again (one last time!!!!). I have been really nauseous this round, which I wasn't with the other two ~ but hopefully that will pass in the next couple weeks. Our due date for those that don't know is October 10th ~ so we're really excited to have the summer with just the two, before our world turns upside down once again! We have lots of names twirling around in our heads ~ but feel free to give any suggestions!!
Ok ~ that is about it for now, I will try and be more dedicated to keeping all those we love updated in the future. And, no I didn't leave Derek out ~ he has just been super swamped with work and anything besides that is him being the most AMAZING "family-man" that I know. He is a testimony every day of demonstrating a true servant's heart and reminds me why I am so blest to have him as my hubby.
Love ya all.


Audzzz said...

Well, not that I can really speak either, BUT IT WAS ABOUT TIME! So fun to see some more pictures and hear about how things are going. I can't believe you are already 10 weeks along- seriously, it is true, where does the time go- I think February vaporized. I love the pic of Selah and Judah reading together- so sweet!

Morgan said...

I luv the pics! Judah and Selah r just 2 CUTE!! (exspecially luv the burger king pic!)