Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th Of July

Our weekend was filled w/ some fun activities. I was in the Aurora 4th of July parade for RE/MAX ~ my job was to drive a white convertible through the crowds of screaming kids begging for candy & beaded necklaces! Daddy brought Selah and Judah to watch their mama in the parade ~ thanks for helping him out NeNe Heather. Morgan also got to join in the festivities ~ she rode in the car w/ me and threw out the beads!

Then we went over to Grandma & Grandpa Austin's for our family gathering. I would post pictures ~ but in all honesty if you scroll down to the Memorial Day shots, they look exactly the same!!! No kidding! Slip-n-slide, 4-wheeler rides and "extreme" croquet for the men (still doesn't sound manly!).

As for the kiddos ~ Judah had a belated 1 year doctor appointment and he is truly quite the peanut. He only fell into the 3rd percent in weight (18 lbs 11 ounces) ~ what can I say, I bear petite children. His latest "things" to do are talk on the phone all day long, he always seems to be calling daddy (on his pretend phone that is), open and shut every door ~ ALL DAY LONG, and wrestling with his big Sis!

Selah's phrase for the summer is "are we going to the water park today?" She is swimming like a little fish, braving the raging water slides and body surfing in the wave pool (look out Outer Banks ~ here she comes)! Her other new thing ~ which is especially exciting for mommy, is she is determined to have all her toys picked up before daddy gets home each day!! Yeah, now we're talking!!! Gotta love that girly.


Chris said...

Tell Judah I'll be expecting a call! Also, very glad to see Selah is training for NC! Can't wait!

Extreme "crocket" not manly enough!? Here's the definition of a manly sport: following a ball around with a stick. Examples: golf, baseball, stickball, billiards, bowling (opposite though - ball chases sticks), hockey (puck = flattened ball), polo, tennis (remember rackets used to be wooden), table tennis, AND CROQUET!

Hope said...

I stand corrected!!

Audzzz said...

I want a call too! I can't believe you were in the parade, Hope. Judah and Selah must have thought they have the coolest mom ever driving the convertible in the parade...I mean, after all, they DO have the coolest mom ever.

I don't know about croquet seeming manly....excellent points made by Chris, yet still, croquet seems to fall into the "put-put" category for me- also following a ball around with a stick and only marginally "manly" in my eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4 letting me GO in the Convertable it was awsome!!! Crocket what a HOOT.